Green UX Trends: Designing with Sustainability in Mind Green UX Trends: Designing with Sustainability in Mind
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Green UX Trends: Designing with Sustainability in Mind

Design Trends
08 Feb 2021
10 min read

Article first appeared at Muzli on Jan 24, 2021

That’s not a guide and not even an overview of trends. It’s a collection of thoughts, facts, and practices. It’s a call to set our own ui design firm  design trends with sustainability in mind.

Let SpaceX Mars Program be a good opportunity, not the only option for next generations

“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” — Terry Swearingen, Nurse & Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize in 1997

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Sustainability — the buzzword. But do we really know what is it?

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Illustration by Fabin_Raj for Cyber Craft


“Sustainability is the ability to exist constantly.” — Wikipedia

The change of global mindset. The product designer’s role in it

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” — Albert Einstein

We can remind people about their own responsibility for the Earth, educate them on green consumerism, and popularize sustainable thinking through well-known UI/UX design trends.

Sustainable UI/UX design inspiration: see it before you do it

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“See it before you do it” by Graham Type

Popularize social diversity & equity

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Elements by Madison Meharg

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Remind of 3 Rs: recycling, reusing, reducing

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Sustainable Fashion Concept by Jessica Flores

Another great example is the illustration created by Koen Speelman. It’s his way of telling people about the threat of plastic pollution that may cause the disappearance of some species. The logical outcome is that we need to recycle, reuse, and reduce the amount of plastic in oceans.

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“Fish stuck in a jar” by Koen Speelman

Create inclusive design, illustrations & animations

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Promote environmental & social values in web design

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Web Design by Moni

Model what may happen if we don’t…



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India coal addiction by Daniele Simonelli
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Earth Day by Cristina Susano

Teach users about green consumerism

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“Stuff I wish they’d taught us” by Call On Courage

Nobody will save the Earth… Until we do

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” — Robert Swan, Author

By Dana Kachan

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